An Easy Valentine’s Day Quiz

- Which heroine begins her last chapter with the words, “Reader, I married him…’
- Who captures Tom Sawyer’s heart?
3. In which American novel is Daisy married to Tom but loved by Jay?
4. If Eponin loves Marius but Marius loves Cosette—which French novel are you reading?
5. Which Shakespeare character finally declares his love with the words, “I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?”
6. Who thinks she loves Ashley, marries Charles (who dies) and then Frank (who is killed ) and waits too long to realize husband number 3 is the love of her life?
7. Which play does this famous line come from? “The course of true love ne’er did run smooth.”
Several people will likely ace this quiz! Just sent in your answers, and I will draw a winner from the names. You will get a Valentine treat if you win. Entries are due by February 15 so act fast!!
1. Jane Eyre
2. Becky Thatcher
3. The Great Gatsby
4.Les Miserables
6.Scarlett O’Hara
7.Midsummer’s Night Dream