Blog Reader Suggests Book

Marty Drake, a long time blog reader from Chattanooga, suggested The Plaza: The Secret Life of America’s Most Famous Hotel by Julie Satow. Any time my husband and I went to Manhatten, he would point out the hotel because his father always relished staying there while in the city for business. That was during the Mad Men days and generous expense accounts.
The Plaza Hotel has had a wide variety of colorful owners and guests. Just read the reviews about the book, and you will be highly entertained–and that’s before you even open it. Remember when Kevin , in Home Alone 2, checked into The Plaza? His room now would cost over $3000 a day. And the room service scenes? All I could think of while watching was the bill his parents would owe! You could check into the Plaza today and have a Home Alone 2 experience which includes a limo ride around the city, a large cheese pizza and an obscene ice cream sundae (which I will not describe).
Obviously, Marty enjoyed the book, which was published in 2019, mainly because of all she learned about the building’s history. Who owns The Plaza now? Well, read the book to find out, but I can tell you the owner isn’t from around here!!