Interesting comment on Gupta

Submitted by member Madeleine Kaye on January 13, 2021

I recently watched an interview with Dr. Gupta about his new book, which he found time to write while doing his day jobs — performing brain surgeries and acting as chief medical correspondent for CNN. A couple of things stood out: he said we should think of sitting as the new smoking … that sitting is as bad for our health in 2021 as smoking was in 1970. It certainly made me get off my couch and commit to daily walks. He also suggested that the best brain exercise to stave off dementia is to force your brain to do things differently. This need not be as challenging as learning a new language or how to play a musical instrument; it could be as simple as eating using your left hand (if you’re a righty). Good advise from a talented correspondent, a brilliant scholar, and a gifted surgeon.