An Interesting Look into the Past

It’s amazing what one can find by being a member of Facebook–lost friends, recipes, and sometimes a worthy bit of info. The information below is based entirely on an article that appeared on my Facebook feed from a group entitled English Literature. But first, take a look at the picture below to guess what the article is about….

So, what did you think? A girl who has books strapped to her body? Maybe not!!

The concept of a “Walking Library” in London during the 1930s refers to individuals who would carry books with them and offer them to the public in various locations. These libraries were essentially mobile libraries, enabling access to books for people who might not have had easy access to traditional libraries.

The idea was to promote literacy and the love of reading among the populace. Individuals acting as walking libraries would roam the streets, parks, and public spaces, lending books and sometimes even reading to those interested. This initiative was particularly valuable during a time when not everyone had the means or opportunity to visit a stationary library.

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