To Read or Not to Read

Did anyone notice a book that was published in 2019 entitled The Pandemic Century: One Hundred Years of Panic, Hysteria and Hubris? The book was written by Mark Honigsbaum. Needless to say, it did not make the best seller list or become an instant book club hit. Who knew, right? Honigsbaum is a medical historian and lecturer in journalism at the City University , London.

Fact AND Fiction

FACT–The real horseback librarians A group of “book women” on horseback in Hindman, Kentucky, 1940. KENTUCKY LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES  They were known as the “book women.” They would saddle up, usually at dawn, to pick their way along snowy hillsides and through muddy creeks with a simple goal: to deliver reading material to Kentucky’s isolated mountain communities. The Pack Horse Library initiative was part of President Franklin