Do You Want A Self-Help Book?
It’s the beginning of a new year. Have you made any resolutions? I did. I bought a ‘stretching journal.’ Everyday, I am supposed to do these specific stretches, which are apparently necessary at my age if I want to continue to get in and out of a bath tub or climb stairs or whatever! So, I have gotten as far as opening the journal and looking at the stretches of Day 1.
Well, I guess we all need help. So if you are in the mood to improve upon yourself in one way or another, Oprah Winfrey published an article in Oprah Daily recommending the best new self-help books. I am listing just a few:
For Control Freaks–The Let Them Theory, by Mel Robbins Take away line –“The more you allow people to live their lives, the better your life will get. The more control you give up, the more you gain.”
For Those with Anxiety–Open When, by Dr. Julie Smith (I needed this when I worked because the author helps one make difficult decisions, deal with stress and handle difficult people.) Take away line — “You are not responsible for fear showing up. You are responsible for the courage you cultivate to move through it.”
For Those whose Emotions get the best of them–Shift, by Ethan Kross Take away line — “You can think of negative emotions as remarkably sophisticated sets of software programs stored by evolution in the hardware of our physiology that help us achieve our goals.”
For Those with Relationship Problems–It Begins with YOU, by Jillian Turecki Take away line–“I learned that a relatioship is like a mirror: it will reflect to us the relationship we have with ourselves.”
Then there is this one–are we taking this too far???