Dream On…….. 3 books with ‘dream’ in the title

The Dream Hotel is Jenna’s pick for March. Written by Laila Lalami, the book is something of a science fiction. The main character Sara has agreed to have an implant that will monitor her dreams. It is called a Dreamsaver, and Sara didn’t realize that the terms of use included a clause that gives the government the right to monitor her dreams. One day when returning from a business trip, agents meet her at the airport and tell her that she has been having very dangerous dreams and must be kept for observation. Sara and other ‘dreamers’ are held in a retention facility where their dreams are constantly monitored and the residents are treated harshly. To be honest, this book doesn’t sound like one I would want to read, but it gets excellent reviews! If you read it, let me know what you think.

Dream Count by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is about a Nigerian travel writer who is stymied during the pandemic. With travel not being an option, Chiamaka has time to reflect on the people in her life and the choices they have all made. Special to her is Zikora, a successful lawyer who faces a betrayal that changes her life. Then there is Omelogor, Chiamaka’s cousin who is going through an identity crisis. And finally she thinks about her housekeeper Kadiatou, a single mother who bears an unspeakable hardship.

The tone of the book is somewhat melancholy and returns again and again to the main character’s musings about whether it is possible to be truly known by another person. Much more than a story about four women, the author highlights the personal and societal struggles of women everywhere, and does so with empathy and respect. Probably not a ‘feel good’ book but maybe one in which the reader will gain a new perspective.

The last ‘dream’ novel is Dream State by Eric Puchner. It is an Oprah book club pick. The Montana setting is an important part of the book. Having been to Montana, I can vouch for it being a ‘dream state.’ My daughter was lured there, as many are, right out of college. The story begins as a bethrothed couple arrive in Montana to plan their wedding ceremony. Cece and Charlie are in love and can’t wait to begin their life together. Enter Charlie’s best man Garrett and things begin to derail. The story follows the characters for 50 years as they deal with marriage, children and climate change. Andrew Sean Greer, author of Less, writes that Dream State is “a book of tears, laughter, longing, regrets and filled to the brim with life….a wonder.”

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