NEW Conservancy Book Review
Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale
By Adam Winter
Review by: Theresa Wagner

Have you ever cleaned out your house or garage and donated items to Goodwill or another thrift store? Ever wonder what happens to your items once you drop them off? In Secondhand: Travels in the new Global Garage Sale, journalist Adam Winter takes a deep dive into the “reuse” industry. He introduces readers to people from all over the world who actually profit from our excessive amounts of stuff that we don’t seem to want anymore. The different types of thrift stores are completely fascinating!
We live in a world obsessed with the bright and shiny. We want the latest fashions and new gadgets. However, where does all the excess go? This book reveals marketing practices and other factors that push all these unwanted items into landfills instead of into new homes. Building a sustainable future ultimately helps preserve the nature around us. Maintaining responsible consumer habits, reducing waste and living more simply helps us to enjoy nature. The author raises some important questions on what we can do to reduce waste and have a brighter future for generations to come.
How have you practiced sustainability at home? What are some ways that you have encouraged others to do the same? Answer in the comments!
Check this book out today from your local library, by requesting a print copy or checking out from the library’s digital collection.
Theresa Wagner is the Assistant Branch Manager at the Johns Island Branch Library on Maybank Highway. She can be reached by email at
I try to buy only sustainable clothing (made with consideration of the earth, long lasting and not made in sweatshops) and also buy from thrift stores. I also really think about what I buy- do I need it, can I upcycle or use it for something else? Can I fix it easily or will it break in a year? All in all- do we really need all the stuff the average person buys? It means more maintenance of stuff, which takes time away from just enjoying a simpler, but fuller life! I will have to check out this book!