Do You Want A Self-Help Book?

It’s the beginning of a new year. Have you made any resolutions? I did. I bought a ‘stretching journal.’ Everyday, I am supposed to do these specific stretches, which are apparently necessary at my age if I want to continue to get in and out of a bath tub or climb stairs or whatever! So, I have gotten as far as opening the journal and

Did You Miss Anything?

We have almost ended that time of year when book reviewers publish their “best of 2024” books. If I were to list these books from the NYT or the Washington Post or Goodreads, you would notice many of the same books on all of the lists. You could send me your list of the best books of 2024, and many of them will be repeats.

Two New Authors

It is no secret that white women my age did not gravitate to black authors in the same way we did to white authors. I am referring to my reading life as an adult, beginning in the 70’s. Through the years, thankfully, from book clubs, Oprah and other media sources, black authors across all literary genres have earned respect from a host of readers from

Just Because

Some books sound too good to pass up. If I had all the time in the world, I wouldn’t be able to get to all of them. The following are books that I have read very good reviews about but certainly haven’t read. I will read Memory Piece soon because I’m going to facilitate the discussion in one of my book club. If you find

It’s Awards Time!

In a month or so there will be numerous articles in which publications and other media sources share their picks for Best Book, Best Fiction, Best Non-Fiction, etc. The Booker Prize and Nation Book Award have already been announced. In case you missed it, read the following: Let’s hear it for James by Percival Everett. Most people are not surprised by the choice for the

The Tipping Point Revisited

Let me ask you this– Where were you and what were you doing 25 years ago this time of year? That would have been the year 2000. It was the year that Malcolm Gladwell published his well-known book The Tipping Point. This book made quite a splash and catapulted Gladwell to fame as a writer. The phrase ‘the tipping point’ became part of our everyday