Sandcastle Book Club meets via Zoom

On Monday, September 7, almost thirty members of the Sandcastle Book Club met to discuss Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens. Stephanie Auge kindly reported on the author and the book and wrote the following synopsis of the discussion:

Following biographical information about the author, the following points were discussed: abandonment and betrayal of the main character Kya, her ability as a young child to adapt and survive in the marsh, and the author’s knowledge and inclusion of nature in the storyline. A question regarding the immense popularity of this book was raised. Lastly, there was discussion of admiration for Kya’s academic achievements and the events which formed her most difficult action.

Members were very happy to “see” one another. Those who tuned in (in addition to Stephanie) were:

Sue Wolahan Mary Ann Ashton Deb Rowland Judy O’Brien

Cathy Hill Dorothey Bowen Linda Dove Cynthis Hadley

Dawn Hawley Debby Perelmuter Mary Kasmen Gloria Lengyel

Liz Joye Karla Muglar Kit McMurrey Janet Lampkin

Dian Murray Carol Ray Barb Pagnotta Karen Lombardo

Carol Lindstom Carol Medendorf Lynn Morganstern Stefa Williams

Mary Sexton Mary Hoffman Frances Boyd

I hope I have not left anyone off the list and that I’ve spelled the names correctly.

Our next meeting will also be by Zoom on Monday, October 5, at 1:00. We will follow the same format as before. The book is Call Your Daughter Home, by Deb Spera. Judy O’Brien will lead the discussion and authour report. Thanks for your continuing support during these difficult times.