Let’s hear it for grandparents!

Grandparents are certainly important family members. No scientific study is needed to verify that fact. When your grandparents are the President and the First Lady, however, it’s worth writing about. Agreed? That is exactly what Jenna Bush Hager has done with her new book Everything Beautiful in Its Time. The book is a collection of journal entries Hager began writing in 2018 when her grandmother Barbara Bush died. As many of you know, like Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon, Hager started a book club in 2019 and features her chosen books on The Today Show. She reads about 10 books a month and chooses a favorite each month.

Hager has always been a reader. Her grandmother on her mother’s side read constantly, and her mother Laura was a librarian. It runs in the family. And Hager is a big promoter of reading to children. She reads to her own children and has written two chidren’s books with her mother, a memoir with her sister and a story about a young mother with HIV. While not all of the journal entries are about Jenna Bush Hager’s grandparents, on both her mother’s side of the family and her father’s, many of them are. She says in an interview about the book, “As long as I’m alive, my grandparents will not be forgotten…. I hear their voices in the letters they sent me and in my memories. They offer comfort, support, and guidance, and I will listen to them always.”