Rapid Response

From Madeleine Kaye–

Frances: Your post inspired me to search reviews of “The Sentence”, and both the NY Times and the Washington Post gave it such raves that I’m suggesting it for our local book club. It also reminded me of one of the most intriguing “pandemic” books I’ve read in years: “The Dog Stars” by Peter Heller. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune gives this description: In this “end-of-the-world novel more like a rapturous beginning” …, Hig somehow survived the flu pandemic that killed everyone he knows. His gripping story is “an ode to friendship between two men … the strong bond between a human and a dog, and a reminder of what is worth living for”. I found the book totally chilling, gripping, and ultimately redemptive and hopeful. I loved it!

We all need ‘hopeful’, right?