Awards for Authors

National Humanities Medals are awarded each year to individuals or groups whose work has promoted individuals’ engagement with literature, history, languages, philosophy and other humanities subjects. Among the recipeints of the 2021 awards, presented by President Biden on May 5, 2023, are authors we know well.

Ann Patchett

Walter Isaacson

Amy Tan

Tara Westover

Colin Whitehead

Pulitzer Prize Winners for 2023

Demon Copperhead, Barbara Kingsolver–fiction–A retelling of Dickens’ David Copperfield

Trust, Hernan Diaz–fiction–A complex novel about the world of money

Freedom’s Dominion, Jefferson Cowie–history–Vanderbilt historian looks at four separate moments between white Alabamians and the federal government in order to understand racism and the loathing of government in American culture today

G-Man, Beverly Gage–A biography of the career of J Edgar Hoover

Stay True, Hua Hsu–This memoir is from a man who is recently immigrated from Taiwan and beomces a student at UC Berkeley in the mid-1990s

His Name is George Floyd, Robert Samuels and Toluse Olorunnipa–general non-fiction–Two Washington Post reporters examine George Floyd’s life before his death.