Books for those who like wildlife

Those of us who live on Kiawah and in other scenic parts of the world know how much joy we derive from communing with nature. In my case, it’s the wildlife I love the most. This time of year, I look out onto the golf course and see, every morning, about 8 white ibis congregating on the bank of the pond and then pecking their way up and down the fairway. What are they eating? I have no idea, but I think of them as old friends, back again for another winter.

Several books debuting in 2024 are about wildlife–how they survive and what they contribute to our lives. The first one is Birding to Change the World by Trish O’Kane. This book will not come out until the end of February, but keep an eye out for it. It promises to be worth the wait.

The Age of Deer: Trouble and Kinship with our Wild Neighbors by Erika Howsare

The author of H is for Hawk takes a look at different ways humans regard deer. Certainly, ‘watch out for deer on the highway’ is a warning we all heed. But who hasn’t wanted to give a few berries to a friendly yearling that walks right up to their deck. And who can resist the preciousness of a newborn fawn? If you like deer, this book is for you.

Wild New World: The Epic Story of Animals and People in America by Dan Flores was the winner of the 2023 Rachel Carson Environment Book award and the 2023 National Outdoor Book Award for Natural History Literature. Flores talks about humans as being a new species that entered the Americas and set about on a life that devastated the animals that already lived here. The book ends on a hopeful note by talking about humans who are now trying to rescue these animals!