Novels from Authors We Know

Jeannette Walls, Hang the Moon

Remember The Glass Castle? It is hardly a book one can forget. It’s actually Jeannette Walls’ memoir of growing up with two of the most disfunctional parents one can imagine!! Walls went on to write several novels. Her latest one, Hang the Moon, will be released March 28. Sat in Virginia during Prohibition, the book tells the story of Sallie Kincaid, a young woman who grapples with family secrets and complex dilemmas.

William Kent Krueger, The Levee

William Kent Krueger is the author of the best selling Cork O’connor Mystery Series. His standalone novels, This Tender Land and Ordinary Grace, are two of my all-time favorite books. Now Krueger has released a novella available only in audio form. The Levee is about the most devastating flood in American history. In 1927, the Mississippi River swelled to a width of eighty miles, thus collasping the levee system along the entire river and leaving around 500 people dead and hundreds of thousand more displaced. Click the link below and then choose WATCH to hear Kueger discuss the book so you can decide of you want to hear it!

Jo Jo Moyes’ Giver of Stars is the only book by her that I have read, and I am very interested in reading her new book entitled Someone Else’s Shoes. In this new book, Moyes tells a story that resembles Trading Places when two women accidently swap gym bags after a work out. The book is ultimately about women pulling together to help one another. The Times calls it “a paean to women’s solidarity wrapped up in a very funny revenge-fuelled caper.”

Symphony of Secrets by Brendan Slocumb will be published in mid April of this year. If you haven’t read Slocumb’s first novel, The Violin Conspiracy, you should. I just finished it. I found the book to be fast paced and intriguing AND about one of my favorite topics, which is the power of music. The author Brendan Slocumb is a violinist and a music educator. He has now added author to his list of accomplishments.

Symphony of Secrets is also about music. This time the protaganist is a music professor who works to right a wrong and solve a mystery, somewhat similar to Slocumb’s first novel. If you like music and want to read something a little different, try either (or both) of these two books.